Cancer Biomarkers

A malady biomarker alludes to a substance or procedure that is normal for the proximity of danger in the body. A biomarker may be a molecule discharged by a tumour or a specific response of the body to the closeness of harm. Inherited, epigenetic, proteomic, glycaemic, and imaging biomarkers can be used for malady assurance, surmise, and the investigation of infection transmission. While some danger biomarkers can be used to predict how commandingly your tumour will create, and are along these lines important for looking over your representation, the most reassuring usage of biomarkers today is to perceive which medicines a patient's development could possibly respond to.

  • Imaging biomarkers
  • Clinical biomarkers
  • Genetic biomarkers
  • Predictive cancer biomarkers
  • Molecular biomarkers
  • Cell free biomarkers